All successful journeys start with noticing new details that have been overlooked
About this Project
Who I am: Hi, I'm Dr Cathy Betoin, an experienced child, adult and family practitioner with a background in teaching and in clinical psychology with children and adults.
My interest: The initial purpose of this work was to respond to the gap in services around improving wellbeing for children and adults. The search for answers involved reviewing the conclusions of a huge literature Here is a sample of the research I reviewed
The Problem: The research review was fascinating but shocking. It highlighted some specific overlooked issues in common practices: notably the overlooked importance of relationships to child and adult wellbeing and the vital role of support for social-emotional development. The search clearly showed that in spite of the evidence, support for the skills for relationships and support for the brain development that underpins the skills for relationships has not been the priority in mental health and wellbeing practice, or in education.
Missing Links: In fact, in 2020 following an internet search on the term relationship health, I was astonished to discover there were no books, no training courses and no practitioners of relationship health inspite of a huge evidence base and the vital importance of this term. That explained a lot about why working with children and families had often felt difficult.
Current Mission: I believe every adult and child should be introduced to the term relationship health and to a relationship health approach to improving wellbeing including the central importance of their own 'I Matter' role. We need to 'pivot' in our mental health practice.
Our Solution: There are now books, a training programme and a supportive network designed to build awareness, knowledge, skills and confidence. You can read about the books here.
Our Impact: We have been working on these questions since 2010.
Our primary base is Kendal, South Lakes, UK and we have worked with hundreds of professionals and parents and young people,
Our Plans: Now we are looking to expand our impact through opening our training programmes to a wider community
These books are just being reviewed and finalised for publication.
Two Triangles: The Missing Links
Our vision and mission is to help progress more relationship health in the world - assisting young people and other adults in developing the insight and skills to enjoy their own personal and professional lives, and take part in care for the environment.