About Us

All successful journeys start with noticing new details that have been overlooked


Who We Are: I Matter Training Ltd and Relationship Health Matters CIC were set up by Dr Cathy Betoin, an experienced child, adult and family practitioner with a background in teaching and in clinical psychology and parenting.  The purpose of this work was to respond to a gap in our thinking around improving wellbeing for children and adults.   

The Problem:  In 2020 there were no books, no training courses and no practitioners of relationship health inspite of a huge evidence base.

Our Mission: We believe every adult and child should be introduced to a relationship health approach to improving wellbeing including the importance of their own role.

The Solution:  There are now books, a training programme and a supportive network designed to build awareness, knowledge, skills and confidence.    You can read about the books here.

Our Impact:  We have been working on these questions since 2010.
Our primary base is Kendal, South Lakes, UK and we have worked with hundreds of professionals and parents and young people,  

Our Plans:  Now we are looking to expand our impact through opening our training programmes to a wider community

                                Two Triangles:   The Missing Links

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Our Supporters



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What we do

What we do

We’re dedicated to our shared vision and mission: to empower families, support our partners, and work together to make a collective impact through relationship health.


When we prioritize the growth and development of young people and adults, we aim to make decisions and take action based on the best interests of all parties

Our Impact

We are committed to continuous learning and growth. We are constantly expanding our knowledge, improving and experimenting in our work through research

Quality Teaching

We believe that education is at the heart of improving relationship health and are progressing our ability to share the I Matter Framework so it can be most impactful.

Our Values





I Matter Training Lead Director


Dr Cathy Betoin
Clinical Psychologist, Teacher
CIC Director

Relationship Health Matters CIC Co-Directors

Dr Cathy Betoin
Clinical Psychologist, Teacher
CIC Director

Dr Annie Truch

David Beuzeval

I Matter and Relationship Health Lead Trainers

Dr Cathy Betoin
Clinical Psychologist
Relationship Health Practitioner

Jacqui Wilson
Social Prescriber
Relationship Health Practitioner

Additional Team

Emma Dodd

Sharon Callaghan

Tim Forsdick


Heather and Jon Dixon

Our Professional Advisory Network

Dr Ed Clarke

Director and GP Lead for Kendal PCN

Dr Amy Lee

Safeguarding Lead and GP Lead for Kendal ICC

Huw Davies

Head Teacher and Lead
for Kendal KCP

Peter Barfoot

Head Teacher

Clair Davies

Consultant in 
Residential Care

Past and Present Partnerships

Laura Fitzgerald-Park

Brathay Trust
Youth Matters

Geraldine Wade

Queen Katherine 

Gill Mason

Reception Teacher
Ghyllside School

Specialist Partners

Adoption Support


Specialist Partners


Complex Needs

The Relationship Health Matters - I Matter Training Partnership

Relationship Health Matters CIC supports a range of project in partnership with I Matter Training aimed at progressing the development of understanding of the importance of a relationship health approach to child and adult mental health and wellbeing.
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We campaign to improve understanding about relationship health and increased access to high quality information, including raised awareness of the value and characteristics of relationship health.  Our work includes the intent to promote understanding around the applications of relationship health thinking to a full range of thorny issues seen in everyday health, education and community practice.