Learning to care for ourselves, our children, each other and our planet
You do not move on with personal, local and global problems by blaming others. You start with You.
Please note, delivery of courses for professionals funded by organisations is via the sister site: www.organisations.imattertraining.com
Why Learn the I Matter Framework as an Organisation?
If you are an organisation who provides services in the area of child and adult wellbeing such as a GP practice or a school, you will know that relationships are a central issue determining whether your everyday roles feel good or feel very challenging. However relationship health is still often seen as an incidental issue. So what if there was more focus on actively equipping varied parties with the well evidenced insights and skills needed for building relationship health? Organisations work at the interface between
+ Funders with shifting priorities
+ Staff who are facing huge demands
+ Families feeling overwhelmed and frustrated at services
+ Young people feeling discouraged and disengaged
Our recommendation is that organisations can figure out how more forward and be more effective in supporting the varied roles if time is first taken to learn a few core well researched ideas about wellbeing.
As you progress this understanding for your own team, then you will be better able to work with your networks and better able to be impactful.
The good news is the ideas are really interesting, practical and helpful!
So imagine this
Imagine all the time you could spend more effectively?
+ Developing an evidence based strategy
+ Working with ideas that feel more on track
+ Developing innovative practice
+ Empowering not just reacting
+ Equipping yourself and equipping others
+ Pushing back the feelings of overwhelm
Investing in learning the I Matter Framework and about relationship health as an organisation is a first step investment to being certified as an organisation partners and able to work with colleagues, families and individuals of all ages to find a healthier and happier way forward. There are no quick fixes (though you probably know that). However there can sometimes be some quick wins. What feels good is having a clear path to find a practical way forward.
Which organisations do we work with?
Relationship Health is a universal issue and need. We are currently working in the Kendal area with
+ GP's and Primary Care Networks
+ Schools and Nurseries
+ Third sector organisations
Frequently Asked Questions
What about neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity is real and an important thing to be thinking about for professionals and families, but it is different and separate from relationship health.
The reason that an understanding of relationship health is particularly important is that when there are any questions about neurodiversity, it is often a relationship health focus that will hold some keys to moving things forward. We have more control over how relationship health progresses than how neurodiversity progresses.
What about the cost of living crisis?
The cost of living crisis is having a huge impact on many many people. There are many reasons for it historic and political. The truth is that there are many really difficult issues happening right now over which we have no control.
So to make a difference in a difficult situation the key detail we must learn to focus on is discovering the elements we can influence. When you start looking, there can be more there than might first seem apparent - but it is these details that can help us find the way forward. This is where your commitment to learning and action can make a difference. As your skills grow you can help yourself AND help others.
Is relationship health and I Matter a therapy?
No, relationship health is an overlooked idea. The I Matter Framework is a way of teaching the well researched ideas that support relationship health as being important. The I Matter Learning Journey is an educational programme that can be supported by group discussion and coaching.
Learning the I Matter Framework can be a useful way of preparing yourself to get the best of working with family members and with professionals with a wide range of approaches.
What is the research on relationship health?
This is interesting. Every idea that we teach in the I Matter Framework is supported by a great deal of research. Many traditions have concluded that relationships are key to wellbeing. However the term Relationship Health is new! You can find these ideas described in my books on Relationship Health as the missing Link in adult and child wellbeing. Click here to read more
We love this term - as it opens up really important conversations and helps people to start work together.