Learn it - Live it - Support it
The I Matter Relationship Health Learning Journey 

Practical Foundations for Relationship Health Approach to Helping Adult-Child Wellbeing

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Driving the idea of an I Matter Learning Journey was years of observing families and colleagues who were in challenging situations and needed something more than a short one off training course.  Learning ideas is one thing - but progressing relationship health takes commitment over time. The benefit of being part of a learning community is that you get to hear the ideas discussed regularly with many varied applications

The I Matter Learning journey follows the I Matter Fundamentals.   It aims to strengthen your insight and skills and confidence in personal and professional roles so you can progress healthier relationships for yourself and others even in the face of challenges.  The initial courses aim to help you build clarity and inner strength as you put ideas into practice. Later you can learn to support others.  We work as a community to take forward relationship health practice

I Matter Learning Journey

Relationship Health concerns vital long term issues! 

When relationship health is present, we know it.   It feels good
When it is not present, we also know it.  It doesn't feel good

Relationship health and ill-health impacts every single aspect of life.
However we rarely if ever get any training in the skills involved.
The truth is there is a lot involved.

Thankfully, it's never too late to make a difference.
However good preparation can really help avoid common challenges
And good foundations can help turn challenging situations around.

The I Matter Learning Journey offers consolidation of ideas introduced in the Get Started and Fundamentals workshops
+ Learn I Matter: Learn the Framework (Level 1)
+ Living I Matter: Deepen and Extend (Level 2-3)
+ Supporting I Matter:   Helping Us Help Others (Level 4-6)

Each person's learning journey is unique with always more to learn

Fivesteps to success

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The core learning journey (Level 1-3) programme usually follows completion of an I Matter Fundamentals course. 
We offer priority places to those with an approved Link professional


An orientation or a short programme, offered periodically introducing the I Matter Model
5+ key ideas
1 month


The Fundamentals offers a condensed L1 course introducing the big picture fast 
24+ Key Ideas
2 months
varied focus



This offers consolidation of the ideas introduced in the Fundamentals for professionals and determined learners
24 + key ideas
2 months 

LEVEL 2-3:

The Living I Matter membership supports the theory to practice in a variety of  roles
48 + key ideas
on application 
Support to implement

LEVEL 4-6:

Certified practitioners membership by application to
varied roles
Even more key ideas!
1 year plus annual
On request

Who is the I Matter Learning Journey For?

This consolidation and extension programme builds on the content in 
the I Matter Fundamentals.   It is for those who want to support their own commitment to relationship health practice

The one year programme is by application and aims to help participants progress a personal concern or project at home or work. 
Applicants must have joined at least one closed Fundamentals study support group via a member hub with a certified I Matter practitioner.

Two strands: 
+ Professionals interested in developing their own understanding of relationship health practice in supporting their own local community.

+ Determined individuals and parents and carers who want to progress their own confidence in their role helping their own children

Those interested in becoming a facilitator must progress this step.

What are the I Matter Learning Journey Outcomes?  What is an I Matter Action Taker?

I Matter Fundamentals: (2 months)
I Matter Level 1: Learn I Matter Consolidation (2 months)
I Matter Level 2: Living I Matter (4 months)
I Matter Level 3: Extended Journey (Children with Additional Needs - 12 months)

At the end of the I Matter Fundamentals you will:
1. Know why investing in building your own skills is a key way to help yourself and your children and others.
2. Understand the nature of the Five Steps to Success and circular curriculum in the I Matter Journey
3. Have a big picture overview of the I Matter Framework as a foundation for relationship health practice
4. Have started to make active steps to improve Relationship Health with an I Matter Approach

At the end of an I Matter Level 1: Learn I Matter Learning Journey you will:

1.  Know the importance of relationship health as a way of understanding challenging situations
2.  Know how to conduct a simple assessment of relationship health
3.  Be able to use the I Matter Framework and its concepts to make sense of challenging situations 
4.  Be able to identify positive actions you have personally taken to improve relationship health

At the end of an I Matter Level 2: Living I Matter Learning Journey you will:
1.  Be able to carry out a big picture and small details relationship health assessment 
2.  Be able to evidence use of own role and team building skills to make an impact in home or work roles
3.  Understand how to structure everyday routines to support the building of relationship skills
4.  Be able to use effective communication to support your relationship health leadership

At the end of an I Matter Level 3: Extended I Matter Learning Journey you will
1.  Have an understanding of how to conduct an indepth I Matter Developmental assessment 
2.  Be able to structure routine activities to support the building of specific relationship health skills
3.  Have evidence of effective working with children and adults with a range of developmental needs
4.  Be able to evidence how to use I Matter principles in formulation and planning of therapeutic care.

The I Matter Relationship Health Level 1-3 programme is for those wanting a good grounding in relationship health practice, including for working with those with additional needs

The I Matter Relationship Health Learning Journey Accelerator Plan

The I Matter Accelerator combines the I Matter Relationship Health Learning Journey with a higher level  of supportive coaching and personalised help to implement the essential steps.   This programme is by application and requires an initial consultation and completion of the I Matter Fundamentals course first.

You will apply with a specific focus issue in mind and work with a certified practitioner to progress your own confidence and move towards your desired results.

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We love introducing  individuals and organisations to the resources and thinking of Relationship Health, the I Matter Model and the I Matter Framework as they help introduce clarity and more confidence about the way forward to best help adults and children live rewarding lives and manage challenges when they are struggling at work and at home or at school

I Matter is a registered trademark and the resources are protected in order to preserve the fidelity of the approach.  During training, resources are licensed to you for your own personal use only, until such time as you become appropriately certified via our licensed pathways.   We encourage you to progress our Learn-Live-Support process.   All I Matter training in the UK and overseas is overseen by Cathy Betoin. We are currently focussed on building a network of practitioners. Please be respectful of the work involved in getting to this point.   No other training or accreditation in the I Matter® Framework is approved of or recognised by I Matter Training Ltd.   For questions please contact us.