I Matter Relationship Health Skills Curriculum

All successful journeys start with noticing new details that have been overlooked

The I Matter Relationship Health Skills Curriculum

I am an experienced teacher and a clinical psychologist.   So, I know first hand just how much time goes into assessing children's progress.

But it seems as if something rather huge has been overlooked:
This is relationship health skills.  There is no skills curriculum. Yikes

The skills on which healthy relationships depend build hierarchically. 
Therefore it is possible for there to be a big difference between a child or an adults's chronological age and their developmental age.   These differences impact:

+ Mental Health
+ Education Outcomes
+ Physical Health
+ Crime Statistics

So I Matter offers a Relationship Health Skills Curriculum.
We are working with member schools and services on the challenges of implementation and would love you to join our network!

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My conclusion is that the research evidence on child and adult wellbeing is clearly telling us some rethinking is urgently needed

What if we did some rethinking about the fundamental priorities of our education system?

I would love to hear from you if you would like to learn more.

How Does the Relationship Health Skills Curriculum Work?

The I Matter Relationship Health Skills Curriculum is licenced to schools and organisations who are progressing a planned relationship health development programme.   Each organisation also has access to a membership site with resources designed to help support an implementation process

There are opportunities to attend Q&A sessions with Dr Cathy Betoin and experienced practitioners. 
We love answering your questions! These sessions pre-scheduled and we will share registration links with your team