I Matter Deep Dive Programme
Exploring the Insights and Skills for Relationship Health and Wellbeing
at Home or Work 


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Do you want to deepen your foundations for helping yourself and those you care for with challenges?

The Level 1-3 Deep Dive is by application with a rolling entry programme. You will join a community who are learning the theory and theory to practice of an I Matter relationship health approach to improving wellbeing for adults and young people and as parents-carers-educators.


Our Deep Dive Programme supports professional or personal roles or can be a stepping stone to being able to help others at home or at work  

Level 1+: Focus Personal Wellbeing: Learn I Matter - Exploring I Matter Formulation
Level 2: . Living I Matter - Skills for Adult-Adult Wellbeing and Leadership
Level 3:  Living I Matter - Skills for Adult-Child Parents-Carers-Educators

Options to apply for certification and licensing with organisation partners.

Entry to the Deep Dive Pathways is by application and currently restricted to those who have completed the Level 1 online Fundamentals first.


The Level 1-3 Deep Dive programme is a 12 month programme which introduces content over 6 months on a rolling programme with our core live entry 2 x a year and pre-recorded options at other times.  We aren't for everyone, but we could be a good fit if 2-3 of these describe your situation:

  • You have a specific situation or concern that you want to make progress with in your role
  • You have at least 10 hrs direct contact time a week with the focus relationship or situation.
  • You are ready to think about personal wellbeing, adult-adult and adult-child relationships
  • You want to be part of the solution not part of the problem as regards current challenges 
  • You think skills for improved relationships and more joined up thinking could be a way forward
  • You are not just looking for a quick fix
  • You are ready to make a longer term commitment to growing your confidence and skills

  • You have a recommendation from someone who is an informed named professional link for our programme who we could contact (for organisations we can only train people for senior roles initially) .

  • If you’re nodding along to several of the above, we’d love to hear from you. 

If you are interested in the Level 1-3 Deep Dive programmes, we invite you to check out the free course and request and complete the application, then book a quick 15 min chat below with one of our team.

On this fast-paced call, you’ll get more clarity about your own focus interest or issues and about how the programme may be able to help you address them.

If we think we can help you, we’ll book in a longer call to explore in more depth how the I Matter Deep Dive Programme could be a fit for you. We find that’s the best way we can show you how we can help.    And if we’re not a good fit, you’ll leave knowing your next steps.

What we can promise you is that this 15 minutes will be worth your time.