I Matter Blog and News

What is an Adult-Child Wellbeing Approach and what it is not? 8 key ideas

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Its not rocket science!   An Adult-Child Wellbeing Approach to supporting young people with complex needs in any home or work setting, emphasises that there is a close relationship between the wellbeing and confidence of the adult and the wellbeing and progress of the young person.  

An Adult-Child Wellbeing Approach is not however just a traditional parent training approach.   An Adult-Child Wellbeing 'I Matter' Approach is a psycho-educational, community based learning experience.   It starts…

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5 reasons Attachment Theory is important for professionals and parents


Attachment Theory?  What's that?   In my work I regularly encounter significant lack of understanding amongst professionals and parents about the meaning or relevance of Attachments for those who work with children.   However in my view Attachment Theory is one of the most important areas of psychological thinking for anyone who works with children with complex needs.  It is one of the key foundations of the practical framework that I call The I Matter Framework.

Attachment Theory refers…

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What I plan to write about


The excitement about having your own blog is that you can write about whatever you want...  And you can go hunting for the perfect picture!   

This one jumped out at me today - she looks a lot younger than me (!) but I liked this image because she looks as if she is enjoying the process of thinking, and is about to enjoy the process of writing and this is how I am feeling right now.   

I have committed myself to writing a regular blog about........well that is the question....... I think I would…

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Pearls in the mud - raisins in the tea cake!   Have you ever caught yourself knowing deep down that there is a pearl or maybe even several in an experience that you are having but that you DON'T WANT TO LOOK FOR IT OR OPEN TO IT RIGHT NOW - THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  Not only that, but if anybody, DARES to suggest that you might try doing that you might just WOP them one...

The trouble with teaching something as challenging as I Matter is that I have found there is very little pl…

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The I Matter Framework and elephants! GOT IT!


Have you ever woken up with a sudden sense of clarity that meant you had to leap out of bed and take action?!

I find my best moments of clarity arise like that and this morning it was elephants......  and at 5..00 am here is the picture that I found that has me beaming from ear to ear!

In the last few months, I have been studying the language of business.  For years I have been studying psychology - and I know a lot about this - but when it came to running a business I discovered that I was rath…

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7 Reasons Adults Should Learn About Child Development

 What issues do you care about? When I first decided that if I really cared about the growing numbers of complex children in our communities, I was going to have to learn a lot of things in addition to the core psychology in which I originally trained, I had no idea of quite what an intense and challenging journey it would become.

Since making the decision to commit to this issue, I have had to learn how to run a business, and how to master a lot of technology - aspects that I cannot say I ha…

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Have you ever noticed when you are under significant pressure that your wellbeing can seem to move between feeling you are doing OK to not feeling OK at all?  

One secret to this underlying instability lies in a particular class of beliefs - the judgements - that hold incredible power over our wellbeing.    Judgements are important to be aware of, because it is judgements more than anything else that hold the key to moving from stressed out to back in better balance, from not coping - to coping…

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