I Matter Blog and News


Why I Matter Training? #6 There is rarely a quick fix


The sixth reason I decided to develop I Matter Training is that when it comes to living with or caring for children with complex needs, there is rarely a quick fix.  Sorry!

When we are faced with really challenging situations - we have all been in the situation of just wanting someone or something to come and sort things out and make things better - More than that we often want something or someone to come and sort the child or other person out - right now!   Unfortunately, this can rarely, if …

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What is I Matter Training? Foundation 1: Personal Responsibility and Willingness to Grow


So what is I Matter Training?    It is a psycho-educational project intended to provide you with a map that will support you in becoming more of an expert on the mental health or behaviour challenges you or your child are experiencing.   I Matter training brings together complex ideas into a useable practical form so that you can decide which are important and relevant to you right now.

I Matter is not a therapy - but if you use it to guide your choices and decision making it will have therapeu…

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What is I Matter Training? Foundation 2: Partnerships matter

Adult-child well being.jpg
So what is I Matter Training?    I Matter Training is intended to provide you with a way of bringing a lot of complex ideas together into a useable and practical whole so that you can be more confident about how to help yourself and your complex child.  

I Matter is built on 3 core foundations.   Foundation 1 is a reminder that if you want to see positive change - you have to be willing to take some personal responsibility and you have to be willing to grow and change yourself.   

Foundation 2…

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What is I Matter Training: Foundation 3: Child Development Matters

I Matter Training aims to bring lots of complex ideas into a practical useable whole for those who live or work with complex children.   One critically important idea that gets glossed over repeatedly in our educational and mental health practices is the issue of child development.   

Children develop.  The brain develops.   Child brain development is impacted massively by experience as well as by genetics.   However child development can be a very trusted guide if you are living or working wit…

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Why I Matter Training? #7 I am a hopeless idealist - are you?

I have to admit it - one of the reasons that I have kept going with this project is that in the face of lots of reasons to stop, I am one of those people who still wants to believe that we could/can as a community more effectively address what is happening for children in our community if we worked together in our homes and schools to make a difference.    

One of the things that I have loved about this project is that I get to meet a lot of remarkable people who also hold onto similar ideali…

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Why I love my logo!

I really love my logo!   It was designed for me by Ronnie Mullin at Mullin Design in Kendal, UK and it just sums up perfectly what I Matter is all about.    I get to use my logo lots on this site, or on letters and reports and each time I use it it feels good!

The logo shows adults and children with steps as in the way of ladders and this in essence is what I believe has to be the starting point in any work with complex children.   Both adults and children are learning.   

More than this, I be…

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Why I Matter Training? #8 In sum

So why would I like you to consider I Matter Training?   Because I believe it can help you whether you are a professional, a parent or a young person to get your bearings in very confusing times and around confusing challenging behaviours and experiences.    

It is not that you HAVE to have a map, because as when you do a jigsaw puzzle, you still have to work things out yourself, but it often helps you to be a bit faster if you have a picture to look at on the box.  

I Matter Tra…

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Why I Matter Training? #3 Diagnoses that overlap.. How come?


The third reason I decided to develop I Matter Training was that I had become increasingly interested in the overlaps between the difficulties in the children I was seeing in schools and in clinics and the diagnostic categories that were being used to describe them.  

Have you noticed how we are using more and more diagnostic terms to describe children?   Look for example at the rise in the use of such terms as ADHD, ASD, ADD, PTSD, OCD, PDD, PDA - The list can go on and on. Elaborati…

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