Additional Services 


The following support services are available to participants who have purchased the I Matter Framework  online Fundamentals study program so as to equip themselves with solid foundations for relationship health at home and at work

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NOTICE: The I Matter Relationship Health Learning Journey is an educational and coaching approach.  Implementation of the principles is affected by many factors so every person's learning journey is unique.   We encourage participants to study and commit to helping their own adult-child and adult-adult relationships become happier and healthier.  There is always more to learn.   

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Individual Consultations and Coaching

Individual Consultations and Coaching with a Certified I Matter Coach is available as an extra purchase to those on the supported I Matter Fundamentals to provide personalized guidance as you implement the principles set out in the program. Starting with a registration questionnaire and a phone call your coach will offer encouragement, clarification, and customized input for your best success. Individual coaching is not therapy or crisis counseling and it is not a replacement for medical advice.  The aim is to help you understand core principles.

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RH Rookies Community Membership

Included with your purchase of the I Matter Framework Fundamentals program is a 6 month bronze or silver membership to the Relationship Health Rookies Community.Bronze is listen in only.  Silver offers, a moderated online course forum for all I Matter Learning Journey participants and including a monthly Live session.

The community offers a source of support for exploring the theory to practice of the I Matter program. Here you will receive inspiration, motivation and peer support from fellow I Matter participants. 

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Open Study Support Discussion Series 

Our open study support sessions are for those who are progressing the supported online I Matter Framework Fundamentals programme and want to take part in discussion with other participants 

Open study support sessions are only offered to professionals or to parents who have completed an intial consultation.

We offer a package of 5 sessions to help support your online learning. These can be taken either over 5 weeks or more spread out.

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Closed Study Group Support

Many people report that taking part in a closed study support group can be hugely beneficial offering group connection, additional guidance and accountability, why not consider joining other participants in an 8 session (5 weekly + 3 fortnightly)  LIVING I MATTER closed group.

This online small groups programs are led by Certified I Matter Relationship Health Practictioners via Zoom and are usually advertised within practitioners own communities.

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I Matter Deep Dive: Living I Matter - Theory to Practice

When it comes to putting I Matter into practice in everyday situations there is a lot to learn. 

The Deep Dive Programme provides an extended opportunity to take forward your own learning.  We encourage you to have a personal project so that you can stay focussed on your goals and priorities.

Deep Dive projects can be personal or professional.  We accept applications from those who are reigstered on the I Matter Framework Fundamentals supported programme.

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Relationship Health Practitioner Certification 

Certification is needed to support I Matter learning pathways for people who want to become licensed to use the resources in a professional role to offer consultations, and study support groups.

Certification is by application and places are limited.   You will need to evidence your understanding of core principles and the support of a local organisation partner. 

Certification involves an initial trainee period followed by a monthly license fee.  We accept applications from those accepted on the I Matter Deep Dive Programme.