We have a mission to help adults and young people learn the importance of relationship health and their own key 'I Matter' role, as a foundation for more wellbeing at home, at work and in community

Watch the very short video and read below!  Then..ask yourself...

Do you want to get started on learning about relationship health right away, including why it is so important in all roles and for all ages, and particularly in challenging situations? 

 If so, sign up here for the starter resource, and you will be on your way!  


So, why do children and adults behave the way they do?   Why do YOU behave as you do?   What can you do to prevent problems, or make a positive difference to help yourself and/or a child or adult who is struggling?     

If you are someone who loves to understand more deeply and are committed to growing your own skills, we think you will find relationship health and I Matter training a fascinating approach - and very helpful! 

The I Matter Framework provides a practical, easy to understand foundational map for relationship health education based on an integration of decades of research evidence on adult and young person mental health and wellbeing. built on an understanding of how the brain develops and functions.

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In I Matter Training we often talk about the 'Missing Links'!

Relationship health
, is an overlooked approach to improving adult and child mental health and wellbeing, helping with anxiety and managing difficult behaviour.  It is exciting and it will get you thinking! 

Relationship ill health, on the other hand can be very difficult - yet it is at the heart of some of our greatest wellbeing challenges.  The current issue is, we have not been discussing it. 

I Matter Training equips adults and young people with insight and skills for relationship health. We help those who want to feel better equipped for well-being and confidence in their important roles with good foundation training and coaching in the I Matter Framework. 

Screenshot 2022-01-19 083055-green-red-green-peopleThe truth is that even when you WANT to help yourself and others with more relationship health - it can sometimes be tricky to know where to start.  So, what we need to understand is both the Theory and how to put Theory into practice.


The I Matter Five Steps Relationship Health Learning Journey

So how do we work?   Most of us hope that our important relationships will be simple, but actually they are often challenging - whether in adult-adult or adult-child, and whether at home or at work.

So, our recommendation is that to be successful in relationships it pays to make sure you first have some good foundations in place.

Without good foundations you can spend a lot of time hunting for solutions or feeling stuck and as if you are going round and round in circles.

Once the foundations are in place it is much easier to understand what is happening in a range of challenging situations - both personal and professional.

So the Five Steps to Success is a process that can take you on a learning journey that last for a short challenge, or an 8 week to 6 month learning journey or even a lifetime!   

We open up places to join workshops or the I Matter learning journey to those on our mailing list.  So if you are thinking this could be interesting a first step is to sign up for our news.   


Fivesteps to success

The Five Steps offers a process for finding your way out of 'the Fog'.

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Why invest in strong foundations for relationship health in uncertain times?

Well.. because this issue has been overlooked, there is quite a lot to learn, and a lot to rethink.   We find that most people have some knowledge but that they also have significant gaps or confusions that are contributing to the challenges that are experienced.

Training in The I Matter Framework Fundamentals thus helps adults and young people and parents and carers to understand common challenges through the lens of Relationship Health and with insight into the Three Dynamic Loops that impact all of our everyday interactions.   The purpose is to prepare and strengthen people for helping themselves and helping others.

This understanding is important at all ages and stages but preparation will help you know what to focus on in challenging situations and uncertain times and early action will help prevent small difficulties becoming large ones.    FIND OUT MORE

When you get clearer, stronger and more skilled, life is easier and your roles are more rewarding.  Everyone has a part to play.

Because, lets be clear, if you are in a challenging situation, you are going to need to build yourself much more advanced skills.

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The I Matter 'Wellbeing in Community Wheel' is a tool for self asessment and a way of thinking about joining up practices.

Relationship Health has many applications

Once you have a good understanding of the I Matter Framework Fundamentals and of the core principles for relationship health then there are many detailed areas of life to explore further.

We use the I Matter Wellbeing in Community Wheel (or I Matter Wheel for short) to help people complete their own process of self review.

What is going well?

What is going not so well?

What skills do I want to learn?

What skills do I want to help others to learn?

The Wheel can also help you think about which organisations you want to work with on specific challenges in your community 

These skills from the Wheel, and many others, are developed in
The I Matter Deep Dive programme.

What we’ve got here could be a fit for you if you. . .

  • Want to feel prepared for a role: You are just starting out or looking forward to being a parent or a grandparent, or a carer, or you are starting out in a new role as a GP or a health professional or as a teacher or social worker .
  • Are looking for a new way forward: You love your roles at home and at work (most of the time!) but there are some challenges and what you have been trying doesn't feel quite right or isn't working, but you are not sure what to focus on or prioritise right now..
  • Are concerned that the focus on mental health is missing something. You have been secretly wondering if the focus on mental health is taking us in some unhelpful directions . . you know it is important but you are worried that everyone is thinking there is something wrong with them
  • You know there is a need for more joined up thinking you know everyone has been saying this for a long time but how exactly can this be achieved? . You know in your heart, mind and gut that there are connections between so many things but it is so hard to clearly articulate what this is so you can feel confident in what you are doing.
  • You don't want a quick fix but you do want a clear direction.  You know that a quick fix is not realistic but you do want to know what to focus on and why in challenging situations because it is hard trying to figure things out each time.
  • You know that you have learned alot and got some good skills but you also doubt yourself  It is hard knowing a lot but also feeling uncertain.   This is often because there are some small but significant missing links and this is where taking a few steps back with an I Matter Learning Journey can really help.  You want to build on the skills you already have.
  • You like the sound of shifting to a skills focus.  Our approach is all about identifying the skills we need to work on or help others work on to move in the directions we want.  This focus moves us away from what is wrong with us or others and helps us take responsibility for doing our part.
  • You are ready to grow and are actively committed to developing yourself as part of taking forward relationship health thinking in your home, school, workplace or community.
  • You want to make sure your desire to make a positive difference is built on strong foundations. 

Commit to building your own skills - as noone else can do your journey for you

When you commit to developing your own understanding...

new and exciting opportunities show up! 

Did you know that: studies show that a strong relationship and emotional bond between a child and just one caregiver is a child’s best predictor of resilience to stress and trauma, as well as defence against drugs, early school drop-outs, violence, involvement in crime and other social struggles.  It is often a parent, but it can also be an extended family member, a club coach, a teacher, or a neighbour.     These vital relationships change the way our brains function under pressure.


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Who Am I?   

Hello and Welcome - I'm Cathy, I'm a Relationship Health I Matter Trainer and Coach.

I have over 25 years of experience working with children and adults first in the classroom and later in child and adult clinical psychology services.  However something wasn't sitting right with me.   Eventually in the face of huge levels of unmet need, I concluded that  there was something really important missing. 

Back in 2009 I set out to try to understand what was missing. I revisited a huge amount of research and evidence to try to understand what it was saying.  Slowly the pieces start to come together into something really useful.  One day it gained the name 'The I Matter Framework', which I started to teach, along with my colleague Jacqui Wilson, an experienced child and family practitioner, Jacqui and I now work together in the Kendal area with professionals and families.  READ MORE

More of What Others Say

I Matter Training

The Kendal Integrated Care Community has adopted the I Matter Framework as a foundation for our thinking about how to work together in our community to help those who are struggling. Professionals and non-professionals are learning together. It feels good.

GP Safeguarding Lead Kendal Integrated Care Community

I Matter Training

The first time I completed the questions I didn't really understand what they were all about. By the third time I really understood what was being asked. At first we were really stuck. However It has been exciting to see the progress.

Parent of child with explosive behaviour

I Matter Training

The I Matter approach of considering the adults needs alongside those of the children is such a useful way to look at things and has turned the dynamics on its head for me. I have realised my stress levels are having a huge impact on all of us as a family and learning to change this is starting to make a difference.

parent of teenager with challenges

I Matter Training

EVERY teacher and parent would benefit from this programme. Parent carers are a group of people I would like to get this to. This would be a fantastic opportunity to bring a very isolated group of people together to improve the situation they are in.

Children and adults of all ages

I Matter Training

I am a HLTA but also a parent and foster carer. I work with primary aged children, have 3 teenagers, and foster toddlers! This programme has been so valuable for each and every relationship I encounter on a daily basis.

Trained for work and home purposes

I Matter Training

This programme has had a big impact on my own well-being which has meant that I have been more able to cope better with the expected and unexpected aspects of life in a calmer rational manner!!

Key Stage 4 Leader and Parent

I Matter Training

The registration questionnaire really got me thinking. I realised how isolated I had let myself become and that this was not helping me or my child. I took action the next day and phoned a friend. I also made another follow-up appointment to speak with my GP.


I Matter Training

This training has been so much more than I expected it to be. I have learned so many things that have changed my understanding of myself and of my child. I have worked with many services before this but this has really made the difference. Now I know why I Matter

Parent of child with additional needs


Do you feel as if this approach may be a fit for what you are looking for?

If so, here are 3 ways to get started...

Look at the Free Content

There are blogs and audio clips and 
some free downloads

Sign up to Email 

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Get Learning

Take a look at the ebooks and
master class starters.

Check out Ebooks

Register for Masterclass



Commit to Building Foundations

If you are ready to go deeper then the 
I Matter Learning Journey is for you offering a step by step approach

Apply for Fundamentals

Progress to Deep Dive

1:1 Coaching

I Matter free or paid course materials were developed strictly for educational purposes and should not replace guidance and help from other service providers. Feedback listed is unpaid and will not represent all participants. Read full Terms and Disclaimer CLICK HERE

Our training supports Action Takers. It equips people to become Relationship Health & 
I Matter Aware, Relationship Health & I Matter Informed and Relationship Health and as I Matter Deep Divers.   We license professionals to become I Matter Links and I Matter Leads.

In addition, all persons, professionals and organisations with professionals trained in the I Matter Framework are required to make it clear to others that though they may have completed a training course in the I Matter Framework they act completely independently of I Matter Training and are fully responsible for their own decisions and services provided.  Interpretations of the ideas set out in the training can sometimes vary and Dr Cathy Betoin and I Matter Training may not always agree with an individual’s interpretation – so each person is responsible for coming to their own conclusions, and for progressing their own learning over time, including the decision on who to work with and not work with.

We only license the use of I Matter resources for professional use to Link and Lead practitioners in organisations named on this site.  i.e. I Matter Training Ltd and Relationship Health Matters CIC have no responsibility for the services or interpretation offered or choices made by others.  If not listed here, professionals are not licensed by us and should not be using resources until ready to do so.