Let's make sure your desire to make a positive difference at home and at work with young people and other adults, is supported by strong foundations.

I'm Dr Cathy Betoin and I love helping people discover a Relationship Health Approach, supported by the I Matter Framework, so they can move forward with more confidence. 

What can you do to prevent problems, or make a positive difference to help a child or adult who is struggling?   The I Matter Framework provides a practical easy to understand education based on an integration of decades of research evidence on adult and young person mental health and wellbeing. 

Learning this helpful map is for those who want to learn more about a relationship health approach, so they can help themselves and help others with all the everyday decisions that are needed whether at home or at work.

Vital psychological ideas are introduced as specific teachable concepts to support joined up thinking.   

The online training is suitable for self help and supported learning for people who are ready to grow and develop themselves as part of taking forward relationship health thinking in their own homes, schools and communities.


Screenshot 2023-07-12 223932-triangle3In I Matter Training we often talk about the Missing Links!

When you get clearer, stronger and more skilled, life is easier and your roles are more rewarding.  Everyone has a part to play.


Relationship health
, is an overlooked approach to improving adult and child mental health and wellbeing, helping with anxiety and managing difficult behaviour.  It is exciting and it will get you thinking! 

Relationship ill health, on the other hand can be very difficult - yet it is at the heart of some of our greatest wellbeing challenges.  The issue is, we have not been discussing it. 

I Matter Training equips adults and young people with insight and skills for relationship health. We help those who want to feel better equipped for well-being and confidence in their important roles with good foundation training and coaching in the I Matter Framework. 

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However - even when you WANT to help yourself and others with more relationship health - it can sometimes be tricky to know where to start.  What we need to understand is both the Theory and how to put Theory into practice.


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I Matter Foundations for Relationship Health

Training in the I Matter Framework helps adults and young people and parents and carers to understand common challenges through the lens of Relationship Health. It aims to prepare and strengthen people for helping themselves and helping others. This understanding is important at all ages and stages but preparation will help you know what to focus on in challenging situations and early action will help prevent small difficulties becoming large ones.    FIND OUT MORE


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Who Am I?   

Hello and Welcome - I'm Cathy, I'm a Relationship Health I Matter Trainer and Coach.

I have over 25 years of experience working with children and adults first in the classroom and later in child and adult clinical psychology services.  However something wasn't sitting right with me.   Eventually in the face of huge levels of unmet need, I concluded that  there was something really important missing. 

Back in 2009 I set out to try to understand what was missing. I revisited a huge amount of research and evidence to try to understand what it was saying.  Slowly the pieces start to come together into something really useful.  One day it gained the name 'The I Matter Framework', which I started to teach, along with my colleague Jacqui Wilson, an experienced child and family practitioner.

More of What Others Say

I Matter Training

The Kendal Integrated Care Community has adopted the I Matter Framework as a foundation for our thinking about how to work together in our community to help those who are struggling. Professionals and non-professionals are learning together. It feels good.

GP Safeguarding Lead Kendal Integrated Care Community

I Matter Training

The first time I completed the questions I didn't really understand what they were all about. By the third time I really understood what was being asked. At first we were really stuck. However It has been exciting to see the progress.

Parent of child with explosive behaviour

I Matter Training

The I Matter approach of considering the adults needs alongside those of the children is such a useful way to look at things and has turned the dynamics on its head for me. I have realised my stress levels are having a huge impact on all of us as a family and learning to change this is starting to make a difference.

parent of teenager with challenges

I Matter Training

EVERY teacher and parent would benefit from this programme. Parent carers are a group of people I would like to get this to. This would be a fantastic opportunity to bring a very isolated group of people together to improve the situation they are in.

Children and adults of all ages

I Matter Training

I am a HLTA but also a parent and foster carer. I work with primary aged children, have 3 teenagers, and foster toddlers! This programme has been so valuable for each and every relationship I encounter on a daily basis.

Trained for work and home purposes

I Matter Training

This programme has had a big impact on my own well-being which has meant that I have been more able to cope better with the expected and unexpected aspects of life in a calmer rational manner!!

Key Stage 4 Leader and Parent

I Matter Training

The registration questionnaire really got me thinking. I realised how isolated I had let myself become and that this was not helping me or my child. I took action the next day and phoned a friend. I also made another follow-up appointment to speak with my GP.


I Matter Training

This training has been so much more than I expected it to be. I have learned so many things that have changed my understanding of myself and of my child. I have worked with many services before this but this has really made the difference. Now I know why I Matter

Parent of child with additional needs

I Matter free or paid course materials were developed strictly for educational purposes and should not replace guidance and help from other service providers. Feedback listed is unpaid and will not represent all participants. Read full Terms and Disclaimer CLICK HERE

In addition, all persons, professionals and organisations with professionals trained in the I Matter Framework are required to make it clear to others that though they may have completed a training course in the I Matter Framework they act completely independently of I Matter Training and are fully responsible for their own decisions and services provided.  Interpretations of the ideas set out in the training can sometimes vary and Dr Cathy Betoin and I Matter Training may not always agree with an individual’s interpretation – so each person is responsible for coming to their own conclusions, and for progressing their own learning over time, including the decision on who to work with and not work with.  i.e. I Matter Training Ltd and Relationship Health Matters CIC have no responsibility for the services or interpretation offered or choices made by others.