It is a bit of a mouthful! All successful journeys start with noticing new details that have been overlooked
What if we decided to invest actively in the skills needed for relationship health - starting with your setting?
After 30 years of educational and clinical practice with children and families here is what I have learned: As professionals we need to do some urgent rethinking: What is the research evidence really telling us about child and adult wellbeing?
The care of children requires a village and a community that cares. When it comes to relationship health, there are specific skills to learn - for children and for adults. However that's not where we have been focusing.
If we are serious about change for children, then organisations such as primary care networks and schools have a huge role to play.
So then, it starts with You. Your Role. Your Outlook. Your Learning Journey.
You Matter! You Can Make A Difference in Your Community
Relationship health is an idea that has been overlooked. Talking about these issues has often felt difficult and uncomfortable. However, Learning about a Relationship Health Approach to improving Child and Adult Wellbeing is much easier when you understand the I Matter Framework and with the help of an I Matter Learning Journey. Relationship health involves all parties - professionals and leaders, not just parents. Fortunately it can also be super interesting and enriching!
Our current focus is in the Kendal, South Lakes area but let us know if you are interested in learning more.