I Matter Relationship Health Introductions

All successful journeys start with noticing new details that have been overlooked

Introduction Sessions offer a background to our work and approach 

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Introduction sessions can be for professionals, senior leaders, parents-carers, or young people.

They introduce questions about how to improve child and adult wellbeing and will introduce you to the idea of relationship health.

The session is intended to open up some questions and get you interested in wanting to learn more so that you can help make a difference in your work or home roles.

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An I Matter Learning Journey is relevant for professionals and for parents and for young people and for senior leaders
Participants have included Headteachers, Teachers, TA, GP's, Paediatricians, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Therapists and Counsellors
We prioritise work with primary care communities and their local schools as our key priority is prevention and early intervention


The session format varies and can include:
  • Reflections on the current child mental health situation
  • The idea of the Missing Link
  • Insight into common experiences of parents and carers and practitioners
  • An overview of research evidence on relationship health and children's wellbeing
  • Experiences of parents and practitioners
Learning Outcomes

At the end of these introductions you will be able to:

  • Know what is meant by the missing link in child mental health practice
  • Recognise the importance of relationship health for child and adult mental health and wellbeing
  • Identify possible reasons for the oversight of the issue of relationship health 
  • Understand some ways to start to shift focus

Options after an Introduction