Get Started with Relationship Health
and with the I Matter Model and the I Matter Wheel

Do you want to help make a difference to child and adult well being at home or at work?  
Are you feeling helpless, and want to know what role you can play?

If you are someone who just knows something needs to change
You've come to the right place and we can help get you started.

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Three Simple Ideas

Relationship Health is a very
important missing idea
in child and adult well-being

YOU have a really important
role to play in moving things forward
in home or work roles

There are ideas and
skills to learn that can help
you turn stuck situations around

Getting Started with Relationship Health and the I Matter Wheel
Isn't it strange that for something as important as relationship health there is very little preparation.

In this self paced 3 week online course we aim to equip you with ideas and insights that you can use to progress conversations at home and at work about things that matter.



Dr Cathy Betoin invites you to join the next class helping you focus in on you and your role in wellbeing

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Welcome! I am glad you are here!

When it comes to improving wellbeing for professionals, families or young people, it can be difficult to know where to start.

The good news is that the first place to start is with committing to developing your own understanding and skills.

Getting Started and the I Matter Wheel offers an opportunity to get that thinking going.

Are you ready to help move things on?

This course is for you if:

  • You know we all need to think some more about child and adult mental health and wellbeing
  • You are intrigued by the idea of relationship health
  • You are ready to think about your own role at home or at work or in your community
  • You want more insight and knowledge to feel more confident about the way forward in  challenging situations
  • You are not expecting a quick fix but are ready to take one step at a time as long as it takes
  • You want help to talk about these issues with your children, or partner or parents or work colleagues
  • You have read, or are interested in the book Relationship health: What's that or Relationship Health the Missing Link
  • You want to feel more hopeful about the way forward..
  • You may be interested in progressing to the I Matter Learning Journey (this course is a pre-requisite)

But what if, I don't think we have any big relationship health problems..
Will this course be worth it for me?

Yes! Think of this as an opportunity to clarify your understanding not just about what is happening in your own relationships but around you in your work settings or community.    You will learn how an understanding of how all these wellbeing details are connected and key to helping everyone find the way forward.   The clearer YOU are, the more effective you will be able to be in your own key multiple roles.

What you will get:

On registration we will send you a free ebook copy of the book Relationship Health: What's That?
The course starts with a 5 day Getting Started exercise 
Then every day for 2 weeks you will receive an email with an audio lesson:
The 2 weeks will explore the I Matter Wheel and the different applications of relationship health thinking.
You will have a simple workbook to complete.

Are you ready to help move things on?

Here's what you can expect in 12 weeks time :

  • You will be clearer about the importance of your own role or roles
  • You will understand why relationship health is so important to child and adult wellbeing
  • You will have started building yourself a strong foundation for progressing relationship health
  • You will have explored a full range of applications of relationship health thinking
  • You will have progressed some really interesting and important conversations with others
  • You will know what to focus on to bring about positive shifts and are seeing shifts happening
  • You will know why you matter!

What if I start the Course and decide it isn't for me at this time?

No worries. You have Dr Cathy Betoin's No-Risk Personal Guarantee: If at any point during the first week (which is the Getting Started part of the course) you aren't completely thrilled by what you're getting out of it, just email us asking for a refund and your fee will be cheerfully refunded, no questions asked. 


“Relationship Health: What's That”
is the starter text for this Course.
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If you complete the course you can enter into a prize draw to be sent a copy of the trilogy.

Don't Miss Your Chance To Get 10% off the next course

Spring 2024 Course

The usual cost of this Course is £95 GBP or $120
But we're discounting that to £75 or £95 USD throughout this registration,
to help more people afford to learn about relationship health.

And if you register during the first two weeks (before March 14)
you get an additional 10% off!
Just use the discount code EARLY BIRD at checkout.

What if you can help make a difference?
What are you waiting for?


Registration eligible for early bird discounts for those who register 12th-"20th March 2024

Still have a question?   See the FAQ below

When does registration close?

Registration closes on the date listed above.   This helps us keep a class group progressing together, and helps our work with partner organisations.  It is also key to being entered into the prize draw for your class group

Is this a parenting course?

No - and yes - relationship health does involve parenting as a big element but relationship health is much much more than parenting.

How long do I have access to the course

You have access for a full 12 months.  After that if you wish to take out a small membership you can retain access and be part of a community of people taking forward relationship health thinking.  The small fee helps us know you are still actively interested in being involved

Is there a forum for this course?

Yes - this a private forum moderated by people trained by Dr Cathy Betoin.  The purpose of the forum is to help answer questions, share ideas and build a supportive network of people interested in relationship health

How do I reach customer support?

If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties registering, please contact us via the help desk, and we'll be happy to help you!

Getting Started and the I Matter Wheel offers a first step in an I Matter Learning Journey

And a bit more information....about the I Matter Learning Journey