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Thanks for signing up for my resource/purchasing my book. It will be in your inbox in the next 5 minutes.

Any extras will also arrive by email (please check your spam inbox if they don't show in your main email...)

While you're waiting, I would like to invite you to join the waiting list for my core programme, The I Matter Learning Journey.

This is where I personally help you to improve key relationships at home and at work using a tried and tested step by step approach starting with less than 2 hours a week for 6 weeks.

We're currently closed, but by joining I'll move you right to the top of the waitlist for when spaces become available.

Yes I am interested in joining the I Matter Learning Journey Wait List

There's no cost to join the wait list and it will help you to get fast tracked to the front of the queue






You have a key role to play - Your Well-being and Confidence Matters!