Health and Social Care Practitioners Training Impact

From professionals 

Feedback from Health Care Professionals 

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I am really enjoying how thought provoking this information is and how it makes it practical and easy to explain and utilise in so many different areas of my patient care.   GP Step 1-2

The concepts covered were very useful and interesting. I am planning to discuss what I have learnt with my colleagues and aim to help improve the wellbeing of children in our community using these new skills.  Trainee GP who completed Core Step 1-2

This training has changed the way I practice at work and in my home relationships. I have enjoyed learning online and found the modules manageable with enough to be stimulating. I really enjoyed the dynamic of the group - it was interesting hearing everyone's varied experiences. The changes I have made have benefited me personally, and my family and my professional role.  I want to carry on and learn more.  General Practitioner who completed Core and Extended Learning Journey

I now see so many of my patients through a different lens. Before this training I used to feel anxious and sometimes intimidated by the highly escalated presentations. Now I know how to respond helpfully and can see a way forward to help them that makes complete sense. This makes all the difference.  General Practitioner  

I signed up for I Matter Training because I was struggling with my teenage daughter.  I have found the training life changing and an unexpected benefit has been the impact on my confidence at work.  Practice Nurse

I am an experienced social worker with many years of practice experience in children's safeguarding. When I worked through this training I was shocked to discover how much I didn't know. If I had undesrtood these concepts earlier in my career I would have been able to be more helpful to families who were struggling with their children.  Child Protection Social Worker

i Matter training fits perfectly with my therapeutic training. It has many areas of commonality with family therapy training, eg helping families to correct relationship dynamics which have gone askew, enabling all family members to be heard, valued & responsible.  Family Therapist and Experienced Social Worker



To listen to an short interview with a GP click here

To listen to a short interview with a Teaching Assistant click here

More Education Professional Feedback

  • I Matter Training

    “The Kendal Integrated Care Community has adopted the I Matter Framework as a foundation for our thinking about how to work together in our community to help children and young people and families. Professionals and parents are learning together. It feels good.”

    GP Safeguarding Lead Kendal Integrated Care Community

  • I Matter Training

    “This course has been so much more than I expected it to be. I have learned so many things that have changed my understanding of myself and of my child. I have worked with many services before this but this has really made the difference. Now I know why I Matter ”

    Parent of complex child

  • I Matter Training

    “The I Matter approach of dealing with the adults before the children is such a useful way to look at things and has turned the dynamics on its head for me. I realised my stress levels are having a huge impact on all of us as a family and learning to change this is starting to make a difference.”

    of challenging teenager

  • I Matter Training

    “EVERY parent and teacher would benefit from this course. Parent carers are a group of people I would like to get this to. This would be a fantastic opportunity to bring a very isolated group of people together to improve the situation they are in. ”

    Children and adults of all ages

  • I Matter Training

    “I am a HLTA but also a parent and foster carer. I work with primary aged children, have 3 teenagers, and foster toddlers! This course has been so valuable for each and every relationship I encounter on a daily basis. ”

    Trained for work and home purposes

  • I Matter Training

    “Thoroughly brilliant course. Has made an big impact on my own wellbeing which has meant that I have been more able to cope better with the expected and unexpected aspects of life in a calmer rational manner!! ”

    Key Stage 4 Leader and Parent

  • I Matter Training

    “The Headteacher and other staff now come to me. They are starting to spot the families who would be helped by some I Matter Training. I work flexibly - sometimes just with the parents and sometimes with the parent and child together.. We use the posters and I can see the moments when the pennies start to drop. This is a new way of working for us. I find it exciting to see the changes that happen. ”

    Teacher - Lead Professional

  • I Matter Training

    “The registration questionnaire really got me thinking. I realised how isolated I had let myself become and that this was not helping me or my child. I took action the next day and phoned a friend. I also made another follow-up appointment to speak with my GP. ”
