I Matter Training Ltd Stramongate House, Stramongate Kendal LA9 4BH
I Matter Training Ltd a company incorporated in England and Wales with registration number 07570100. Data controller registration number: PZ324409X We are a proud member of Social Enterprise UK
Your Name:
Your Email:
Dear ,
Thank you for your interest in taking part in a Getting Started Workshop.
I Matter Training offers Getting Started workshops as an open programme on an occasional basis
The aim of an I Matter Getting Started workshop is to introduce you to some initial ideas that are key to undersatnding a relationship health approach to improving wellbeing.
Some people may have options to progress to further learning but due to the small size of our organisation this is not guaranteed.
Your participation is subject to our Terms and Conditions.
Please be sure to read these carefully and if you are happy to accept them before taking part please sign below
Best wishes,
Dr Cathy Betoin
Clinical Psychologist, Teacher and Parent
Once this agreement has been received with your digital signature we will be able to send you next steps
Contents of our Terms and Conditions
- Business Arrangements and Overview – Implicit agreement
- The Nature of I Matter Online Training and Coaching
- Disclaimer about Course Content - Suitability of Approach and Practice Guidelines
- User Licence Agreements and Role Based Access
- Intellectual Property and Copyright
- Privacy Policy, Cookies, Confidentiality and GDPR
- Acceptable Use and Conduct online
- Liability, Bookings, Payments, Billing and Returns
- Disclaimers about site access
- Membership Terms
- Consultation and Coaching Terms
- Complaints and Dispute Resolution