Explore how we improve adult and child wellbeing
in the Kendal, Morecambe Bay Area (and beyond)
2nd-7th December 2024
Because Relationship Health Matters
Through starting some conversations in your family or setting
Daily Ideas
Short starters released every day of the challenge with daily exciting questions to discuss.
Daily Discussions
Learn how relationship health
principles can help us
join up thinking.
New Angles.
Check your email each
day for new angles on
important ideas
FREE Challenge Workbook with Prize Draw Challenge
A full workbook for your
notes and reflections
Cathy and Jacqui have worked with professionals in health, education and community roles, and with parents and carers and young people in the Morecambe Bay area and in Kendal for over 25 years!
Dr Cathy Betoin
Clinical Psychologist, Teacher, Parent
Jacqui Wilson
Child and Family Practitioner
Dr Cathy Betoin is also author of the new books:
Relationship Health: What's that? (microbook)
Relationship Health: The Missing Link in Adult and Child Wellbeing
Relationship Health: Five Steps to Success (microbook)
Our Subjects and Panel Guests
From around Kendal and the Morecambe Bay Area we are lining up some experienced guests
To help support our Strengthening Relationship Health Summit and I Matter Wheel Challenge!
Dr B
Relationship Health: What's That?
Relationship Health and Safety
Relationship Health and Play
Relationship Health and Mealtimes
Relationship Health and Movement
Relationship Health and Emotions
More Panel Guests
(watch this space!)
Relationship Health and Communication
Relationship Health and Peace with Past
Relationship Health and Caring for Others
Relationship Health and Income-Budgets
Relationship Health and Education-Work
Dr B
Relationship Health and Review Process
Here's a Secret!
This is a practice run. The first Strengthening Relationship Health Challengeis the first of three planned events all with an intention to promote discussion of this important issue, locally and more widely.
In the first Strengthening Relationship Health Online Challenge (December 2024) we are going to start some conversations and try out this experimental format so we can get your feedback.
But we also have ideas for a second and a third summit!
Event Two – Relationship Health Focussed Practice - Local and Global (May 2025)
Event Three – Finding the Way Forward for Relationship Health Practice (November 2025)
Dates are not yet fully finalised.
Who is this for?
If any of these sound like you, this first challenge is meant for you if:
- You are a professional or a parent or carer or young person
- You want to learn more about relationship health
- You want to help improve adult and child wellbeing
- You live in or around the Morecambe Bay Area - or are curious
- You are ready for a two week challenge with some fun!
What to expect
This virtual challenge is intended to get you started in thinking and talking about the overlooked issue of Relationship Health - what the research evidence says - what it is - and what you can do right now in your role to make a difference.
What's the Challenge exactly?
Well.. relationship health needs conversations: So..
- The challenge is designed to support conversations
- You are invited to join with a family member aged 3-103 years
- You can enter more than once with different people
- Each speaker will give you a question to discuss .
- There will be an easy, a moderate and a hard challenge level.
- You can submit your log book and be entered in a prize draw
Why is this a practice run?
I have never run an online event like this before but I have a personal mission to get this important overlooked issue discussed so we can be more successful in improving wellbeing for adults and young people in the face of a huge number of challenges.
My view is that the research is telling us we need to all change some of our common approaches, to get the results we say we want!
So I would love your encouragement and help!
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
Question #1: Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes, every session is recorded and you will have access to all recordings for 7 days after the summit ends
Question #2: Are places limited?
No - everyone is welcome - all you need is an email address and a little time to listen in
Question #3: Will a timetable be published in advance?
Yes, the final session line up will be sent to you at least 3 days before the start of the programme
Question #4: Why is it free?
We want to get the word out about relationship health. There are also some VIP options for those who want a little more.
Question #5: What if I don't live in Morecambe Bay?
Well.... Of course you are welcome! The more the merrier.
The issues are relevant everywhere - not just in Morecambe Bay
Question #6: Can I invite my friends or colleagues?
Yes! This is our first Relationship Health summit but we want to get the word out! Each person can make a difference.